Thursday, January 7, 2010

Don't let your house fall over.

If you are wondering what am I talking about, please read on.

This is one of the first mistakes Real Estate Agents/ Photographers make, and for that matter, even some so called pro photographers, when taking a picture to post on line, flyer, in a magazine, etc...

Have you ever seen a picture like this?

It looks great, at least I think so. Great house, it all fits in a frame, beautiful curb appeal, amazing clouds... so what's wrong, right? Just look at the picture little closer! Does it seem like it's falling over? Look how much closer the bottom of the house seems than the top. Look at the corner of the house, the far left or right.

This is a common mistake, and very easy to make. It happens with large objects, like a building. The closer to the object you stand, the more it will distort, and if you use a wide angle lens, this will only be magnified. A wide angle lens allows you to stand much closer to the object than you would with a 'standard' lens, and in order to get the whole house in the picture you will have to tilt up your camera. This will create greater distance between the top of the house than the bottom and thus give the feeling of it tipping over.

Does it make sense? Just look a the picture below and compare it with the one on the top of this post!

Here are a few tips on how to avoid or fix this feeling of tipping over.

* If you have a truck, stand on the the back of it and try to hold your camera level. A ladder will work just as well.
* Stand far away from the house and zoom in.
* There are several great softwares that you can use to tilt your house back up.

I hope this helps you and improves your photographs and advertising. 

Good luck.

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